Product quality is our primary goal, so we pay special attention to quality control


Starting with the selection of raw materials, to the selection of suppliers of raw materials, which must meet our adopted criteria, up to the final product, with constant quality control and self-control of employees, we continuously focus to reach and improve the quality of the final product.


The proof of the quality and compliance of all prescribed global requirements, technological regulations and standards, and in particular EU directives are standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 according to which we work.


Adopted policies of the integrated management system and human rights policy, as well as our own business and moral codes of conduct, direct and encourage each individual to work in the best interests of the company and customers.


Environmental protection and socially responsible behavior are our choices that do not affect product quality.

Quality is also achieved through adherence to HANESBRAND’S principles of business. Under Hanesbrands Inc. the following brands are listed: Hanes, Champion, Playtex, Bali, Maidenform, JMS / Just My Size, Wonderbra and Gear for Sports, DIM, Nur Die / Nur Der, Lovable, Abanderado, Shock Absorber, Zorba, Sol y Oro, Rinbros, Track N Field and Ritmo etc.

Global Standards


Smeta Sedex

 ISO 9001

 ISO 14001

Certificate ISO 9001 2015

Certificate ISO 14001 2015